
This is a series of works, portraying elements from the lives of three little known characters and the physical reality of the cars in which they perished. The series appear as a random sampling under the odd classification of automotive death, with each subject pursued as symbolic/symptomatic of a given moment in human history. For […]


The exhibition consists of a new body of thematic work – a series of wall and floor assemblages exploring the strange high occurrence of premature death’s in the Guinness family. The exhibition toys with speculation, myth, superstition and inevitably pop-culture itself.


James Beckett’s new work Voodoo Justice for People of Finance (2013) revolves around the biographies of major players in global finance: chairpersons and executives of institutions including Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and the International Monetary Fund.


The exhibition takes its title from an IHT book review of the biography of environmentalist Rachel Carson. With the release of her own book ‘Silent Spring’ (1962), focus was on the indiscriminate use of pesticides, which she artfully linked to radioactive fallout in order to raise awareness to the changing practices of industrial agriculture. Both […]


This installation takes the form of a celebratory showroom for the innovative treatment unit of German dental company KaVo. As a focus on a technical feature of dentistry, this is the first in a series of projects that explore the field in a vocational as well as scientific capacity.