‘Strange Glow’ is primarily an exercise in compacting disparate sources – a play on the associative and nonsensical. As assemblage, these pieces feature backdrops of architectural reproduction, super-imposed with seemingly random objects and extracts from the news.
The so called “formatore” or plaster casters of the 19th century, used reproduction as a means of study, for the outlining and defining of architectural canon. In a summarisation of western tradition and motif, they later expanded to include the ethnographic, the exotic. Whilst employing similar technique, Beckett’s selections are based on the inhabitants themselves, on the social-political implications of these buildings and their surroundings – at times circumstantial in terms of the architecture itself. This focus on the people, the users, renders the façades more human and grounded, less grandiose perhaps than their great-grandparent plaster casts of Palais du Trocadéro in Paris.
CNC machined wood, over-printed with UV ink, mixed products on shelf
200 x 275 x 23 cm
A contrasting layer of found objects and extracts from the news, mounted directly on the reproductions, seeks not to unpack, but contrast these architectural examples. Recalling the ‘cut- up’ technique essential to Burroughs and Gysin, this layering is a gesture toward the unlikely combinations of events throughout history – at times of fatal circumstance. In an associative chain, these parts look to create a kind of remote magnetism or odd relation of parts, much like the unlikely occurrence of events in life itself.
This odd combination is consistent with earlier experiments of Beckett, which reflect modes of reading and structural play of elements. Working with examples from both Post-Soviet states and western European countries, complex interrelationships and geo-political status are implied.
CNC machined wood, over-printed with UV ink, mixed products on shelf
200 x 275 x 23 cm
Reproduction of external wall of a former prison, showing children’s drawings in chalk. German filmmaker and gay rights activist Rosa von Praunheim was born here, whilst his mother was a prisoner following the 2nd world war.
CNC machined wood, over-printed with UV ink, mixed products on shelf
200 x 275 x 23 cm
A selection of products, chosen for their similarity to the colour of Persian turquoise. The precious stone comes from a number of mines in modern day Iran, stones which show a great colour variation. In Persia, turquoise was the de facto national stone for millennia, extensively used to decorate objects from turbans to bridles, as well as important buildings such as mosques both inside and out.
CNC machined wood, over-printed with UV, ink, bronze,
oil paint, plastic cup
110 x 169 x 15 cm
In the 1970’s, this house was moved from the east of Donetsk, to be part of the exhibition titled “The Socialist Village,” in Kyiv. Since April 2014, the region has been occupied by pro-Russian militants, culminating in the shooting down of Flight MH17 in July of the same year.
Internally displaced people of Donetsk have since taken patronage over the building, ensuring its maintenance through volunteer work.
CNC machined wood, over-printed with UV, ink, bronze,
oil paint, plastic cup
110 x 169 x 15 cm
Bamboo cups are marketed as being environmentally friendly, but when tested results show that many of them release high amounts of melamine resin and formaldehyde. Melamine is suspected of causing damage to the bladder and kidneys, while formaldehyde is a known irritant and can cause cancer if inhaled.
CNC machined wood, overprinted with UV ink, mixed
cosmetic products in malachite green on shelf,
165 x 122 x 23 cm
Reproduction of a parking lot, of Daile Theatre, Riga, Lativa. Upon realization of the building in 1976, the architects intended the terrace of the modernist building to be used by pedestrians, a kind of continuation of the street into the public building. The terrace has since been converted into a private parking lot.
CNC machined wood, overprinted with UV ink, mixed
cosmetic products in malachite green on shelf,
165 x 122 x 23 cm
The cosmetic items shown, are the closest commercial products found to resemble the colour of Zelyonka. Zelyonka is a brilliant green dye and is closely related to malachite green. In Russia and much of the rest of the former Soviet Union the dilute alcoholic solution is sold as an antiseptic, and occasionally used to douse liberal politicians.
CNC machined wood, glass, newspapers
255 x 135 x 35 cm
CNC machined wood, glass, newspapers
255 x 135 x 35 cm
Reproduction of the entrance to the former home of Daina Taimina. Taimina is a mathematician known for crocheting objects to illustrate hyperbolic space (curvature in 3 dimensional space). The building is in the architectural style of National Romanticism, and was also home to the first KFC style fried chicken joint in Latvia, following the fall of Soviet rule.
CNC machined wood, glass, newspapers
255 x 135 x 35 cm
Various newspapers reporting on Slobodan Praljak, following his drinking a phial of poison in the dock at a UN tribunal in The Hague, where his war crimes sentence of 20 years had just been upheld. Praljak was one of six defendants who were found guilty of having been key participants ‘in a joint criminal enterprise to ethnically cleanse Bosnian Muslims’ amongst other war crimes.
CNC machined wood, over-printed with UV ink, cast epoxy, steel, polystyrene mounted laser print
94 x 36 x 7,5 cm
CNC machined wood, over-printed with UV ink, cast epoxy, steel, polystyrene mounted laser print
94 x 36 x 7,5 cm
Reproduction of a door from a late 18th century farmhouse, which was demolished whilst building the Channel Tunnel, the only fixed link between the island of Great Britain and the European mainland.
CNC machined wood, over-printed with UV ink, cast epoxy, steel, polystyrene mounted laser print
94 x 36 x 7,5 cm
BBC news article, which documents a dangerous online challenge whereby people force a whole light bulb-shaped sweet into their mouth, which then often gets stuck. This can result in choking and even suffocation, as well as potential mechanical injury.
CNC machined wood, overprinted with UV ink,
mounted laser print
35 x 121 x 3 cm
CNC machined wood, overprinted with UV ink,
mounted laser print
35 x 121 x 3 cm
Reproduction of roof shingles from an 18th century church, situated in Kyiv, Ukraine.
In 2006 a neighbouring church was robbed of its museum collection then burnt to the ground.
CNC machined wood, overprinted with UV ink,
mounted laser print
35 x 121 x 3 cm
Beauty queen Victoria Graham, who uses her platform to bring attention to a rare genetic disorder – Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. The image in the work shows the scar which runs the full length of her back, the result of many surgeries to fuse all vertebra in her spine.